​​​Infinity Acres Ranch  276-358-2378

Copyright Infinity Acres Ranch. All rights reserved.

​​​Infinity Acres Ranch

Exotic & Domestic Animal Educational Programs for the Community

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Choices!! Non-Profits, Churches, Schools ONLY

Full Tour with 20 or more guests:  $13.00 Youth, $16 Adult 

INCLUDES 1 Birdstick per person for AVIARY

Full Tour with a craft activity: $2 additional per person 

(infants under age 1 no cost) 

(20 % discounted admission for individuals with

Military/Law Enforcement/Rescue ID)



Critter Train Rides for small guests are available for an extra

fee of $1 per person with a 20 person 


Advance notice needed.

Interactive meet & greet with friendly animals on a real ranch! Activities such as: Walk-a-llama, take selfies with a kangaroo, bottle feed a baby, rub a CAMEL talk with a parrot, experience the TAKING FLIGHT AVIARY  & so many other amazing opportunities.

  • Plan on 1.5 - 2 hours!
  • Pack a lunch if you'd like to picnic under the pavilion! 
  • Dress for the weather
  • ​Wear comfortable walking shoes: we strongly discourage sandles/flipflops (bare toes around animals = not a good idea) 

We specialize in Group Tours

  • Schools (private & public, home-schools)
  • Organizations  (YMCA, Boys & Girls etc)
  • Clubs (Girl Scouts, 4-H, Boys Club)
  • Churches (You can hold private ministries) 
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