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​​​Infinity Acres Ranch  276-358-2378

Copyright Infinity Acres Ranch. All rights reserved.



Friends of Infinity Acres Ranch Mission is to provide Animal Assisted Learning with therapeutic educational and interactive opportunities to individuals utilizing domestic and exotic animals to encourage physical, emotional and psychological well-being while promoting stewardship, social responsibility plus animal knowledge and conservation within our community.  

Friends of Infinity Acres' strives to improve quality of life, enhance self-esteem, and encourage personal growth and responsibility. FOIA supports individuals to become productive citizens through animal based learning experiences, increased motor skill enhancement exercises, emotional growth and cooperation through teamwork.

Let us introduce ourselves; we are from Infinity Acres located in Ridgeway, VA; Rick & Laura Steere, Co-founders of this Animal Based Learning organization.  It is our pleasure to share with you the programs that are being offered through Friends of Infinity Acres Ranch, Community based, animal interactive educational non-profit.

                                                                                                    OUR HISTORY
Infinity Acres Ranch was opened in 2007 to provide educational animal interactive tours and the Alpaca/Llama 4- Club was established.  They have provided educational animal experiences through school, organizations and family tours as well as participating in exhibits at local events. 

In 2012 Friends of Infinity Acres Ranch (FOIAR) officially became a 501-C-3 organization and started program expansion.  Friends of Infinity Acres' goal is to be an innovative Non-profit that offers learning and personal growth opportunities assisted by domestic and exotic animals to individuals in the MHC and northern NC areas. The objectives are to expand the educational animal assisted programs and outreach to become a sustainable contributor to the community.  FOIAR's desire is to provide enriching animal interactive programs for individuals with disabilities and area youth that will allow participants to gain knowledge, confidence and skills to become productive citizens. 

FOIAR’s program will strive to improve quality of life, enhance self-esteem, and encourage personal growth and responsibility.  We envision supporting individuals to become productive citizens through animal based learning experiences, increased gross and motor skill enhancement exercises, emotional growth through bonding with special animal friends and cooperation through teamwork with other participants.  The research has shown that there are physical, psychosocial and emotional benefits from working with living animals and cooperating in a team/group setting contribute to respect, productivity and self confidence.


Presently FOIAR provides a multi-fold service to  Martinsville, Henry County, and surrounding VA & NC Counties

offering 6 main programs at the Ranch.

1) ENABLE is the new VA Licensed Day Service Program featuring educational activities assisted by animal husbandry/agricultural experiences for individuals with disabilities. Offering to provide a year round service that will meet several days a week and expand to a Monday - Friday program as enrollment grows. FIOAR is partnering with Piedmont Community Services to reach participants. There will be a 8:1 participant/staff ratio.  The program will grow based on enrollment and staffing/volunteers. 

2) Educational, guided tours with a focus on schools and meeting SOL standards of learning; serving approximately 600-800 students annually.  Group tours are also available to churches, organizations and large groups.  Focus is placed on sharing information about the animals, their unique qualities and their habitat.  Conservation and preservation measures and the importance of recycling will be reinforced. 

3) Animal Adventure Summer Camp; this year FOIAR is partnered with the local organizations to provide scholarships to Summer Camp. This started in 2008 and has grown every year. Children get to enjoy and learn about the great outdoors, fun animal based activities and lots of friendships are built.  Camp is by reservation and registration for up to 20 campers per sessions. Presently 2 sessions are offered with room for expansion. 

4) Mobile exhibits at local festivals, churches, carnivals and public events which provide the public with an opportunity to interact and learn about exotic and domestic animals

5) Alpaca/Llama 4-H Club, held at Infinity Acres Ranch and using their animals, is part of the VA Cooperative Extension. Presently there are 7 active members year round that compete 3 times per year, perform community service, learn animal handling skills, responsibility and get public speaking experience. Demographically, this will represent a cross section of participants from all racial and economic backgrounds as well as levels of ages and abilities.

 6) Community Service & Volunteering! Opportunities to learn and grow while volunteering at Infinity Acres! Plus program participants give back to the community! It is a win: win situation! 

Please consider becoming involved either as a parent of a participant, a volunteer or a supporter!!  Everyone benefits and progress is achieved when all work together to reach towards the stars.  Infinity Acres Ranch’s community enrichment activities continue to educate, delight and involve the public with their socially and ecologically uplifting enterprise. They are a Virginia Certified Green Attraction and USDA licensed breeders and exhibitors.

Infinity Acres Ranch welcomes the challenge of taking on a leadership role in the quality of life for our community and sustainable economics. Presently, according to TRIPADVISOR Infinity Acres Ranch is only second to the NASCAR speedway for area attractions according the Economic Development Survey!!

FRIENDS OF INFINITY ACRES Ranch requests your volunteer,  membership & financial support for the non-profit organization to demonstrate your commitment to our local community and provide valuable opportunities for youngsters to learn about animals, agriculture and the environment. You, your family and your friends are invited and encouraged to become FOIAR (Friends of Infinity Acres Ranch) Volunteers!! Community service is very fulfilling.


President:                  ROBERTA WRIGHT

Vice President:        BRANDON CALDARON
Secretary:                  CHERI ENGLISH REISINGER
Treasurer:                 BRANDON CALDARON

Honorary:                 DR. NICOLE DESHON-NELSON
CoFounders:             RICK & LAURA STEERE

GET INVOLVED!! Build community engagement!! 

Construct and improve structures, Apply for grants to support large projects

Increase community involvement and generate tourism.

Enhance facilities for guests and learning activities comfort.

Provide educational materials and programs. Enhance learning experiences.


​​​Infinity Acres Ranch

Exotic & Domestic Animal Educational Programs for the Community

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