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​​​Infinity Acres Ranch  276-358-2378

Copyright Infinity Acres Ranch. All rights reserved.

Infinity Acres Ranch See these adorable animals, and find out the inspiring mission behind Infinity Acres Ranch.

Posted by Living in the Heart of Virginia-LHOV on Thursday, March 16, 2017

APPLY NOW!! Paid Internship Available for Summer 2024
Friends of Infinity Acres Ranch is excited to announce the opportunity for two paid internship positions at the educational non-profit, Friends of Infinity Acres Ranch for summer learning experience. 
Attached is the application. A decision will be made by the end of May. 
Applicants may submit their resumes and the completed application  no later than 5/20/24 at 5 pm either by email, usps mail or delivery. 
Infinity Acres Ranch 136 Joppa Rd, Ridgeway, VA 24148
Applicants will then be contacted to schedule an interview.
This is an opportunity provided from a grant by the United Way. The goal is to promote agritourism and agriculturally based learning with the hopes that we will retain our educated youth in our area for their careers! Career fields that would benefit are veterinarian, vet tech, zoology, education, outdoor recreation, business management, non-profit administration, animal trainer, parks and rec,  camp counselor, therapist, biologist, agritourism, marketing, zoo keeper etc. 
Our tag line for outreach is "Stay Local, Learn Global! "  Infinity Acres Ranch has animals from around the world and offers volunteer opportunities, internships, field trips and hands-on experiences for career exploration! 
 This video is just a "taste" of the opportunities available:

Infinity Acres Ranch is offering a 2-month paid internship during June and July to 2 high school students (currently Jr's & Sr's or College Freshman) . The individual will work an average of 5 days a week for 6 hours a day, with a flexible schedule for 8 weeks. The interns will learn animal husbandry, handling and training skills while assisting with community events, administrative tasks, and summer camps at the ranch. Upon successful completion, the individual will be awarded a $3000 stipend. 



Special Spring Prom was MAGICAL!!

Enjoy the pictures!

​We need to have a COMMITTEE for 2024!! Please contact Laura at 276.358-2378.

Donations, Sponsors & Volunteers NEEDED!


Donate or pay for events here! 

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​​​Infinity Acres Ranch

Exotic & Domestic Animal Educational Programs for the Community


ENABLE Day Support Program 

​Adults with Disabilities

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