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Do you LOVE animals?

Do you CARE about helping others? 

Do you BELIEVE in providing youth with opportunities to learn and become involved in HEALTHY, NATURAL & INTERACTIVE programs?? 

Do you VALUE supporting local interests? 

Do you DREAM of making a difference in a child's life?

Do you have the PASSION to be involved in Community Service??

All talents are appreciated at Infinity Acres Ranch

Animal Husbandry, Landscaping, Maintenance, Guiding Tours, Marketing, Fundraising, Bookkeeping, Assisting with Programs, Arts & Crafts, Grooming Animals, Building Exhibits, Painting etc. 

Click the above button for application to volunteer

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​​​Infinity Acres Ranch  276-358-2378

Copyright Infinity Acres Ranch. All rights reserved.

​​​Infinity Acres Ranch

Exotic & Domestic Animal Educational Programs for the Community

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